Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"Challenge yourself every chance you get!"... interview with SHANDI-LEE COX.

1Q) Can you please tell us the story behind this portrait? How you took it and why you choose to shoot this person?
This is me, going through a huge personal transition in my life. I was incredibly upset about multiple things and I couldn't hold back having a complete meltdown. It was something like 4am, and I thought if I'm going to be up this late, this upset, I may as well make something out of it. So, I captured those painful moments, but was able to release and move on from it. It pains me to look at the photos from that night, but I smile when I think about where I am now, and how I am proud of all the decisions I've made to get to this place. I took it in my bedroom, in horrible tungsten lighting, with my tripod and remote, (I think it's hidden somewhere under the tissue).

2Q) What photography gear you used here and why? What is usually in your photo bag?
I used my Canon 7D on my tripod with my remote. I used the only lens I owned at the time which is 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6. I shot it in black and white and then processed it super grainy to give it some added effect.I haven't got that much gear yet, my camera is in there and then my two lenses, 50mm and 15-85mm. I carry my remote and a plastic bag, (makeshift cover if it is snowing/raining), in there too.

3Q) What do you love most about shooting portraits?
I just love expressions, eyes, hair, poses. I love taking a beautiful scene and sticking myself or someone in there, it just adds so much depth! People are just gorgeous, and can make beautiful photos even more interesting and lovely.

4Q) Do you consider yourself mostly as a “portrait” photographer?
I'm starting to, I mean the most photos I have are self-portraits, then probably flowers, then other people. If you average them out, I think there's more humans than non-humans in my most current photography work!

5Q) Do you work with available light or do you use additional lightning often?
I don't own any lighting equipment at all, and I never use my flash. I'm really dependent on available light. I prefer natural light, I think it's completely beautiful. Of course I do understand the necessity for artificial light and studio settings in certain situations though.

6Q) What/Who are your photography muses and influences?
I love Dirk Mai, I think he's brilliant. My favourite photographer. I don't imitate anyone or get easily influenced, but his style and work completely inspires me!

7Q) Any tip for taking better portraits?
I would say I'm still pretty new to portraits, I'm more experienced with self-portraits. A general tip for both though, is that if it feels awkward, and looks a little awkward, just go with it! Awkward poses and strong eye contact are my favourite, and I feel they make really successful, creative, portraits. 
Always try new things, and practice, practice, practice! You can never stop learning, and should challenge yourself every chance you get.

Thank You, Shandi-lee!

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