Dabe (Portland, OR) is a great "people" photographer and he's also master of pictures of skateboarders...
"My favorite thing in the world to shoot is skateboarding. I always go on stints (winter) where I don't get to shoot any but as soon as I get back into it I just think 'I LOVE this'.
I've skated for something like 7 years or so now and I'm horrible. I'm involved with the sport enough to know all of it's ins and outs, I just can't pull it off like the people in my photographs do. Shooting skaters just allows me to participate without the commitment (not to mention the slams). Plus I love getting people pumped to try a trick by shooting it and sharing their triumph upon landing it.
If you're interesting in shooting skateboarding, there are a few pointers.
1) Back up, and work on your composition first and foremost. There are tons of skateboard photos and they would all look the same if the photographers shooting them didn't capitalize on their surroundings. 2) Learn frontside and backside by heart so you don't mess up lighting. If you're not positive, ask the skater what way they'll be facing at the apex of their trick.
3) Timing, timing, timing. Watch the trick a few times to spot the best time to snap the shot and try to catch it on every attempt."
Here's today's portrait and interview:
1Q) Can you please tell us the story behind this portrait? How you took it and why you choose to shoot this person?
About 5 months ago, I moved from Canton, OH out to Portland, OR. I left behind all my friends and family to head to a place where I could surround myself with creatives and grow from it. My family was always asking to see some shots of my place, but I didn't wanna provide more than a iPhone shot until I had everything hung up and put away. This portrait marks the date I could finally relax in my place with nothing else to be done.